More and more I find myself and my clients looking to non-pharmacutical solutions to their dogs ailments.  One of the easiest solutions is to make sure the food you give your dog is as natural as possible.  Just like us humans the more preservatives, colors, chemicals and sugar in the food the worse it is for you.  Quality food is affordable, especially when it can prevent illness that can lead to Vet visits. A majority of skin problems we see are related to food.  My pom Topper is an itchy little dog, he was getting little patches on his skin, so I switched his food to a fish and potato and it has really made a difference.

Another remedy that I was thrilled to find is Apple Cider Vinigar and water for hot spots.  A mixture of 50/50 three to six times a day. Again,  Topper came up with a hot spot on his tail.  About 7 months ago he had one on his tail and just wouldn’t leave it alone, so off to the Vet we went for a Cortizone shot, it stopped the itching so he left it alone and it healed, but I do not like cortizone or steroids for me or my dogs, they tend to suppress the problem for a time only to have it come back stronger, not to mention it is not good for the liver.  So I researched homeopathic remedies and came up with this one.  The apple cider viniger is anit-bacterial, and the water just dilutes enough to take the sting out. 

Over the summer, both of my poms went into liver failure.  Both almost died.  Topper ended up at a specialist to make sure he did not have a liver shunt.  Thanks goodness he did not, ( a liver shunt is when the veins to the liver, one through the liver and one over it are blocked.  It is a genetic problem usually seen in toy breeds)  I beleive it was caused by a new flea product I had given him.  It took one month and he recovered now I only use Comfortis.  No heartworm and wormer in the same pill at the same time. Libby, my other pom was jaundiced, she was yellow from head to toe.  I took her to the Vet and her liver enzymes were off the charts.  I was advised by my l Vet that she may not make it .  Back to the research, I gave myself a crash course on liver problems in dogs, people were having success with MILK THISTLE.  Libby began getting Milk Thistle twice a day, boiled chicken and syringes of water, within  2 weeks she was much better, we kept up with this for about a month, and I am happy to say, my little girl is 100%  healed.  ALL DOGS WHO ARE ON FLEA PROTECTION SHOULD BE ON MILK THISTLE TOO.  Milk Thistle detoxes the liver.  People can benefit from it too.

Sometimes, dogs, just like us can get seasonal allergies.  You know, watery eyes, sneezing, itching.  If  it only happens at certain times a year, talk to your vet and ask them about giving the dog  Benydril.  It will make them more comfortable.

Older dogs with arthridis benefit from Glucosimine and Condroiten.  It is also good for us folks.  I have seen this work miracles on older dogs.  I myself take it and have much less hip pain.

Yeast infections are a real problem in our climate.  Dogs that swim or have really thick coats are especially prone to yeast.  Yeast has a sour smell and if you bath your dog and he smells a day or two later, chances are it is yeast.  Giving the dog yogurt every day helps.  If  the problem turns into an infection, sores all over and a really bad smell, see your vet for an antibiotic and talk to him/her about ways to avoid this problem.

Over the years that I have been grooming, I have notice more and more skin problems in dogs, it is the number one question I get from my clients.  I beleive food is the major culprit.  I buy my food at Bark Avenue in Sebastian, Kelly, the owner and her staff have educated themselves on the benefits of a quality food for your dogs and cats health.  I also know that  Fish oil and safflower oil works.  my guys take the capsules like treats or you could puncture the capsule with a pin and squeeze it on their food. 

I hope some of this informations helps you.  My sincere mission is to help you have a pet that is healthy and happy, so you can enjoy your time together doing fun things not worrying about not fun things.

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